Wednesday, December 8, 2010

together we'll ring in the new year.

okay. okay.

i know it's been years (a little over 2 weeks) since i last blogged, but we can't all be perfect.

as the semester winds down, i look back, and am frankly disappointed. in myself. the semester itself was a grand success. i, however, was an epic failure. and, as much as i hate to admit it, my grandma was right. my grandma, my mom, along with every other human being that told me how important sleep is. they were all right. because of my sleep deprivation disorder, i have not been able to get done anything that i set out to do. such as: 1. exercise 2. homework 3. pay attention for longer than .12 seconds 4. be an effective listener 5. eat properly 6. think properly 7. function properly 8. shower daily 9. dress myself 10. maintain a healthy lifestyle.
oh well.
life goes on.
which is whyyyyy.
i'm setting goals again.
i'm moving to wyoming for the winter semester.
i won't know anyone except my mom's siblings.
i will be venturing off to the great unknown.
i see this as prime time to begin my new goals.
you probably don't care, but here they are:
1. go to bed before midnight (definitely going to run into some problems here) ((weekends should probably be excluded))
2. run 3 miles every morning
3. shower DAILY.
4. write down purchases in check register
5. stick to a monthly budget
6. eat properly
7. begin yoga (don't worry, i already customized my yoga mat and downloaded 23 yoga podcasts on itunes.)
8. go to church every sunday. attend all church functions.
9. play the piano and guitar regularly.
10. read and study scriptures for 30 minutes every morning.
11. find a way to attend the temple regularly (basically impossible in wyoming, but i will not use my location as an excuse)
12. say 5 nice things about myself everyday.
13. give 3 compliments to other people everyday.
14. pray morning and night
15. write in journal once a week.
16. be a full tithe payer
17. go tanning (yes. this is a goal. judge away.)
18. use Crest white strips 
19. go rock climbing whenever possible
20. serve others.
welp. there they are. hopefully i'll have more motivation and willpower by the time january rolls around then i do now. 
school needs to end.
it's been a wonderful adventure, but i'm ready for the beginning of the end.
(note: if this post has been boring and/or unsatisfactory, i once again blame my lack of sleep, high stress levels that increase with each passing day, plummeting determination to put forth any effort into anything, boys that will forever disappoint me and attempt (but fail!) to ruin my life, and other stuff.
i love santa.

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